Getting Over Believe-In-Yourself Religion | Ep. 40

Move over televangelists, there’s a new prosperity gospel in town. Except this time, it’s focused on personal fulfillment, “self-actualizing,” and aiming to live an Instagram-perfect lifestyle.

The contemporary church is heavily borrowing from the self-focused culture around us and it is leading many believers away from the simple, humble, God-focused truths of Scripture.

On this episode, we speak with Dean Inserra about how we can guard against hollow, self-focused religion and instead pursue Christ-centered Christianity.

On this episode we’ll discuss:

  • Why self-focused Christianity is on the rise
  • How this trend compares to the traditional “health and wealth” prosperity gospel
  • Examples of this new prosperity gospel and what to watch out for
  • Why the notion that God exists for our personal desires is antithetical to Scripture
  • How we can avoid falling into believe-in-yourself-religion and help others out of it

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About Our Guest

Dean InserraDean Inserra is a graduate of Liberty University and holds and MA in theological studies from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the founding pastor of City Church in Tallahassee, Florida. He also serves as an advisory member for the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s Leadership Council with the Southern Baptist Convention. Dean and his wife have three children. He’s the author of a new book, Getting Over Yourself: Trading Believe-in-Yourself religion for Christ-Centered Christianity.

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