In the dark days of World War Two in England, a man named C.S. Lewis began giving 15-minute talks on BBC radio. The series of talks, originally under the title of “Right and Wrong: A Clue to the Meaning of the Universe,” would eventually be turned into Lewis’ classic work Mere Christianity.
This 15-minute audio clip is the only surviving audio from the C.S. Lewis radio broadcasts.
The BBC tells us that “This is the only surviving footage of C.S. Lewis’s broadcast talks. The New Men is the last episode in Beyond Personality, the third series. It was broadcast on BBC radio on 21st March 1944.”
Take a moment and listen to some of the very few surviving minutes of audio from Lewis.
If you have never ready it, Mere Christianity is arguably one of his greatest works and is highly recommended. (It can be purchased for less than $10 from
I love listening to him. The recording is from Mere Christianity, book 4, chapter 3 “Time and beyond time”. I listen to the recording and then when I read other C S Lewis passages I can almost hear his voice reading it to me!
I have fallen in awe and love with this mans soul and words!
What a sad story BBC lost all the audio tapes of CS Lewis.