Remember the Sabbath: Spurgeon’s Views on the Lord’s Day | Ep. 89

A conversation about Spurgeon’s views on how Christians should keep the Sabbath

Are Christians still required to keep the Sabbath? And what does keeping the Sabbath really look like?

On this episode we will answer these important questions and many others as we consider the role of the sabbath in the Christian life through the lens of the convictions and teachings of Charles Spurgeon.

We’ll hear from Pastor Brandon Rhea who has a new book out titled Spurgeon’s Forgotten Sabbatarianism: Examining the Role of the 4th Commandment in His Life and Theology.

Rhea is the pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Kirksville, Missouri and received his Ph.D. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, with his dissertation being focused on the Sabbath views of the Prince of Preachers.

We’ll explore:

  • Dispel some caricatures about the Sabbath
  • Discuss whether or not this command is still binding for us today
  • How to begin observing the Sabbath if you have never really set it apart as the Lord’s Day.

Along the way, we’ll learn how a commitment to the Sabbath shaped Spurgeon’s ministry, what this looked like in his own life over the years, and how this conviction runs like a thread throughout his preaching and teaching.

What can we learn from Spurgeon’s Sabbatarianism, and how should we think more carefully about the Lord’s Day in our own lives? On this episode you’ll be both challenged and encouraged as we explore these questions and more.

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Meet Our Guest

Brandon Rhea

Brandon Rhea serves as a pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Kirksville, Missouri and received his Ph.D. from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City. He’s also the author of Spurgeon’s Forgotten Sabbatarianism: Examining the Role of the 4th Commandment in His Life and Theology.

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Additional Resources

Spurgeon's Forgotten Sabbatarianism

Spurgeon’s Forgotten Sabbatarianism

Spurgeon’s Forgotten Sabbatarianism seeks to document Charles Spurgeon’s teaching and practice on the Christian Sabbath. By looking at his biography through his Sunday activities, the reader will see how Spurgeon believed Sabbath observance required laboring for the Lord through worship, preaching, singing, evangelism, Sunday School ministry, and private devotion.

Furthermore, the book shows Spurgeon’s adherence to the Second London Confession of Faith’s articles on the law of God and the Christian Sabbath.

Read the Transcript

Clay Kraby: Pastor Brandon Ray, thanks so much for joining me for this conversation about Spurgeon and the Sabbath.

Brandon Rhea: Thanks for having me.

Clay Kraby: Excellent. Well, could you first start us off with a little bit about yourself and about your ministry there?

Brandon Rhea: Yes, I am a pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Kirksville, Missouri. That’s in the northeastern corner of Missouri. We’re about 3 hours from Des Moines, Kansas City and St. Louis. And I’ve been here for about eight years. This was a church revitalization effort and God has blessed it. We went from having, no children, no young families attendance, in the twenties to now. We’re attendance in the fifties, and young children. And, we’re even praying for God to give us a different building because, we have new needs. so I regularly preach, on Sundays and lead the Wednesday night prayer meetings. Also, we have a biblical counseling program here, to help and minister to people. I’m married to my wife, Karise for eight years, and then we have three children who are six, four, and two. And she is pregnant with our fourth. And lord willing, he’ll be here in August.

Clay Kraby: Congrats!

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