As Christians, we benefit greatly from the ministry of our fellow believers – this includes those who lived long before our time. Thanks to their preserved writings, we can all learn from pastors, authors, and theologians from throughout church history and have our faith strengthened through their faithful lives.
But even though these great works have stood the test of time and are readily available in both print and digital form, we don’t always make use of the storehouse of spiritual treasures we have access to.
Our guest Jared Payne joins us to talk about how we can benefit from the written works of the Reformers, Puritans and others and how we can develop the habit of reading older works. Jared runs A Pilgrim’s Coffer Theology, which is dedicated to “urging the claims of Christ’s cause, advocating the revival of godliness, denouncing error, bearing witness for truth, and encouraging the laborer’s in the Lord’s vineyard.”
We’ll talk about the value of older works and how they provide unique helps in our modern times. Along the way Jared will share some of his favorite works that he recommends all Christians read and you’ll come away with a solid list of books to add to your shelf.
You’ll also learn of a digital tool that can grant you access to hard to find and out of print theological and devotional books completely free and learn about a new magazine that can help you expand your biblical and theological knowledge as well as your personal library with great works from the past.
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About Our Guest
Jared Payne is the man behind A Pilgrim’s Coffer, which is dedicated to “urging the claims of Christ’s cause, advocating the revival of godliness, denouncing error, bearing witness for truth, and encouraging the laborer’s in the Lord’s vineyard.” You can learn more about his work at He and his wife Morgan and young daughter, Rebecca, live in the heart of North Carolina.
Books Recommended on this Episode
- All of Grace – CH Spurgeon
- A Body of Divinity – John Gill
- Practical Religion – JC Ryle
- The Sovereignty of God – AW Pink
- Christianity and Liberalism – J Gresham Machen
- Knowing God – JI Packer
- The Treasury of David – CH Spurgeon
- O Death, Where is Thy Sting? – John Murray
Connect with Jared Payne
- Visit A Pilgrim’s Coffer
- A Pilgrim’s Coffer Store
- A Pilgrim’s Coffer on Instagram
- Subscribe to The Pilgrim’s Digest
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