“Live Your Truth!” (and Other Lies) An Interview with Alisa Childers | Ep. 61

Exposing modern lies disguised as truth

“Live your truth.” “Follow your heart.” “God wants you to be happy.” “You only live once.”

These phrases are more than empty platitudes. These nice-sounding lies are quickly becoming deeply held cultural beliefs that promise great freedom yet in reality heap up burdens we were not meant to bear.

On this episode we welcome Alisa Childers back to the podcast. Alisa joined us previously on episode 34 to talk about so-called ‘progressive Christianity.’

This time we’re talking about her latest book Live Your Truth (and Other Lies): Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed.

In this conversation we will talk about why catchy social media slogans are able to take root in our culture and in our churches, why these subtle lies bring us greater burdens rather than relief, and how we can escape false notions of what the Christian life looks like.

Along the way we’ll also talk about the power and pitfalls of social media, the critical difference between subjective and objective truth, and whether or not women are especially targeted by the ‘believe in yourself’ version of Christianity.

Meet Our Guest

Alisa Childers Guest

Alisa Childers is a wife, mom, author, blogger, and popular speaker on apologetics and the Christian worldview. Her latest book is called Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed. Learn more at alisachilders.com

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Live Your Truth and Other Lies

We’ve all seen the memes that populate the internet: live your truth, follow your heart, you only have one life to live. They sound nice and positive. But what if these slogans are actually lies that unhinge us from reality and leave us anxious and exhausted? Another Gospel? author Alisa Childers invites you to examine modern lies that are disguised as truths in today’s culture. Everyday messages of peace, fulfillment, and empowerment swirl around social media. On the surface, they seem like sentiments of freedom and hope, but in reality they are deeply deceptive.

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