The Deconstruction of Christianity | Ep. 83 w/ Alisa Childers & Tim Barnett

Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett join me on the podcast to talk about ‘Deconstruction.’

You may have come across the terms “deconstruction” or “exvangelical” in recent years, or have perhaps seen high-profile Christian leaders walk away from the faith.

But what is deconstruction, and why does it seem to be a growing problem?
On this episode of the podcast I’m talking with Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett, who have just written a new book together called The Deconstruction of Christianity: What it is, why it’s destructive, and how to respond.”

Alisa is a wife, mom, author, podcaster, blogger, speaker, and worship leader. She’s the author of two other books “Another Gospel” and “Live your Truth and other lies” which we have had conversations about on previous episodes of the podcast.

Tim has worked as an apologist for Stand to Reason since 2015. Tim trains Christians to think clearly about what they believe and why they believe it.
He’s also the host of the popular YouTube Channel “Red Pen Logic with Mr. B.”

On this episode we’ll talk about:

  • What’s deconstruction is
  • What factors into a person’s decision to walk away from the faith
  • The role of social media in fueling this phenomenon
  • How we can rightly respond to those in our lives who are struggling with or have walked away from the faith they once professed.

Watch or listen to our conversation below and learn more about this important topic.

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Meet Our Guests

Alisa Childers is a wife, mom, author, podcaster, blogger, speaker,
and worship leader. She was a member of the award-winning CCM
recording group ZOEgirl. She is a respected speaker at apologetics
conferences, as well as the host of her popular YouTube channel.
Alisa’s story was featured in the documentary American Gospel:
Christ Crucified. She has been published at the Gospel Coalition,
Crosswalk, the Stream, For Every Mom, Decision magazine, and
the Christian Post.

Tim Barnett has worked as an apologist for Stand to Reason since 2015. Using easy-to-follow and visually engaging presentations, Tim trains Christians to think clearly about what they believe and why they believe it. In 2020, Tim launched Red Pen Logic with Mr. B. He has earned a BS in physics from York University, a BED from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology, and an MA in philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary.

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Additional Resources

Pick up a Copy of Deconstructing Christianity

This book will help you understand what deconstruction is, where it comes from, why it is compelling to some, and how it disorients the lives of so many.

Read the Transcript

Clay Kraby: Alisa and Tim, welcome back to the podcast.

Alisa Childers: It’s great to be with you again, Clay.

Tim Barnett: Yeah, it’s good to meet you for the first Time. This is great.

Clay Kraby: Well, it’s great to have you both on. Before we jump in to talk about the book that you’ve written together, just, one at a Time, would you maybe share a little bit about what your ministries look like and other work that you’ve done that people might have come across? Alisa, if you wouldn’t mind, just sharing a little bit about your background.

Alisa Childers: Right, well, I actually come out of the music industry, so I was, in the contemporary Christian music industry in the late ninety s and early 2000s as a part of the Christian Spice Girls is kind of what we were, but we were called ZOEgirl for some of your listeners who might remember. but then after that, I had a pretty significant faith crisis which really caused me to dig into studying and learning why I believe what I believe, and kind of figuring out what it is I exactly believe. And so I ended up writing a couple of books that deal with the movement of progressive Christianity because that’s where my faith crisis happened, was in a church that would later become progressive Christian church. So I speak, I write. And I have a podcast, The Alisa Childers Podcast.

Tim Barnett: And my story is not so glamorous…

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